• sun sextile neptune
    • your ability to shape-shift is more like a prepared performance. you know how to say the right lines and then step out of character. you are enchanting to other people, drawing them in with your mysterious, soulful vibe. but, you, too, are liable to some breaks with reality, every now and again. so, remember to keep checking in with yourself.
  • sun square lilith
  • sun trine north node
  • sun sextile part of fortune
  • moon trine uranus
    • the commotion you cause is not so loud and troublesome. you’re relatively easy to manage, just so long as no one’s trying to force you into a box. your quirky free spirit is a delight to your friends. but, even you sometimes need to watch out for becoming aloof, as well as breaking others’ rules just to break them.
  • moon sextile pluto
  • moon sextile chiron
  • moon square ascendant
    • you are highly self-protective. a part of you doesn’t want people to know what you’re feeling yet you’re also compelled to let it all hang out because you just want to know that people care. this creates a lot of defenses or insecurities that you will have to work through in order to be more emotionally balanced. you’re just as protective over others and, at times, may need to be reminded to not be too interfering or smothering with loved ones.
  • moon opposite midheaven
  • mercury conjunct venus
    • you can be the biggest people-pleaser of the bunch. it’s important to watch out for being insecure or defensive when it comes to the boat being rocked. on the other hand, you are so lovable, kind, and attractive. you possess a truly beautiful soul and these good vibes keep reeling various admirers in.
  • mercury sextile mars
    • you are more aware of how your words are affecting others and have better control over your speech. but, you are always going to be honest and you still display that lack of patience for social fakery and pretense. you’re just able to charm others with your brash tongue, for the most part, but you might skate by on this too often and expect to always get away with it.
  • mercury sextile jupiter
    • you simply have an enthusiastic, free, buoyant way of communicating with others. although you usually stand your ground reasonably, you, too, can sometimes get swept up in your beliefs. so, remember the difference between opinion and fact.
  • mercury sextile lilith
  • venus sextile jupiter
    • you’re a more low-key hedonist. you can freely pursue pleasures without surrendering to complete abandon. people will be drawn to your big heart and your tireless ability to have a good time. but, you also have issues, at times, knowing when to put a limit on the fun, so be aware of when you’re tiptoeing toward excess.
  • venus sextile saturn
    • it’s relatively easy for you to settle down without too much heaviness. you’re capable of consistently working on your relationships and being a real rock for others. yet, you might just have to work on occasionally slipping into opportunistic patterns and picking lovers or friends out of convenience.
  • venus square pluto
    • your unconscious motive is to either attract unsuitable, even poisonous partners into your life, confirming your victim role, or to utterly drive your partners crazy, allowing you to point the finger. when you can take responsibility for this, then you have the ability to be a truly memorable lover. you will enjoy relationships with depth and won’t settle for anything less than that.
  • venus trine ascendant
  • mars trine lilith
  • mars square north node
  • mars square part of fortune
  • jupiter square neptune
  • jupiter trine lilith
  • jupiter square north node
  • jupiter sextile ascendant
  • saturn square uranus
  • saturn sextile ascendant
  • neptune opposite north node
  • pluto conjunct chiron
  • chiron trine midheaven
jul 19 2019 ∞
may 17 2024 +