• second house: leo

you value yourself when you’re able to be authentic and self-expressive. if you hide away inside of a shell, too scared to expose the real you, then you’ll have serious issues with your self-esteem. so, you’ve got to be willing to show off a bit and let your true personality be known. this process of establishing a strong, self-assured identity will bring you a lot of pleasure and stability. the more you understand how to put yourself out there, the more grounded your lifestyle will feel.

    • third house: virgo

you learn through acute analysis and attention to detail, which can sidetrack you in conversations. you might easily get too caught up in a tiny thing someone said, to the point where you didn’t listen to anything else. but, this also makes you a good teacher when it comes to urging people to think critically and use good sense. still, when you get too critical, your flip side emerges by causing you to be too fault-finding and judgmental with information or points of view, particularly your own.

    • fourth house: libra

the process of recharging and reflecting is found, for you, by really connecting with other people. whenever you retreat into your safe place, you aren’t going to want to do it alone. it feels safer when you’re with someone else. therefore, home needs to be a place where your relationships can be truly nourished. your private self may be quite co-dependent because of this. it can be really uncomfortable or upsetting for you to live alone or, worse, with people who are rude and selfish. therefore, you need an atmosphere of peace and love for you to really feel at home.

    • fifth house: scorpio

your creative moments are secretive and mysterious. you’re not totally open or direct about your plans, which was how you were even as a kid. there were always hidden depths about you that the adults around you could only guess at. as an adult now, you’re very tuned into children, intuiting their secret feelings and motives. whenever you’re romantically interested in someone, you’re very subtle about it. scorpio types are the ones you find particularly crush-worthy, as their air of mystery is very seductive to you. dating can be like falling down the rabbit hole to you. your all or nothing is invested instantly, which makes things very torrid and intense right away. then, you may feel the need to come to your senses.

    • sixth house: sagittarius
    • seventh house: capricorn

it’s a challenge for you to feel capable and efficient on your own. so, you are very drawn to those who seem capable and efficient. but, the strength of these partners and friends can turn to rigidity and their purpose and drive can become calculating. this only reflects back to you your own potential to be rigid or calculating. to complete yourself, you must come to terms with your own ambition and strength. in doing so, you will feel like a whole person and you will be able to enter into these relationships with a solid nature that only helps the other person feel more solid.

    • eighth house: aquarius
    • ninth house: pisces
    • tenth house: aries
    • eleventh house: taurus
    • twelfth house: gemini

you are seen to be emotional, nurturing, sweet, and gentle, but sometimes, you just want to voice your true thoughts. however, you're afraid that your words will hurt and emotionally damage others, for you know how they feel. until you are able to wake up, you might fool yourself into believing that you’re not all that smart, interesting, or articulate. you were always taught to play a more instinctual role in your environment, so you can be oblivious to the strength of your intellect, while it manifests in ways that make you over-think to the point of insanity as well as through shrewd manipulation. it’s important for you to realize that every human being has something on their mind and something to say that needs to be truly listened to.

jan 24 2020 ∞
may 17 2024 +