• Wickedness: This refers to evil actions or thoughts, things that are morally wrong.
  • Evil: Similar to wickedness, it encompasses actions or intentions that are harmful or immoral.
  • Greed: Excessive desire for wealth or possessions, often at the expense of others.
  • Depravity: Moral corruption, the state of being morally degraded or perverted.
  • Envy: Feeling discontent or resentment towards someone else's possessions, qualities, or success.
  • Murder: Taking another person's life intentionally, which is a grave sin.
  • Strife: Conflict or discord, often arising from competing interests or viewpoints.
  • Deceit: Dishonesty or the act of misleading others.
  • Malice: Ill will or the desire to harm others.
  • Gossip: Spreading rumors or idle talk about others, often with harmful intentions.
  • Slander: Making false and damaging statements about someone.
  • God-haters: Those who reject or oppose God and His teachings.
  • Insolent: Showing a disrespectful attitude.
  • Arrogant: Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
  • Boastful: Bragging or excessively praising oneself.
  • Inventing ways of doing evil: Being creative in finding new ways to do wrong.
  • Disobeying parents: Not respecting or obeying one's parents or authority figures.
  • No understanding: Lacking wisdom or discernment.
  • No fidelity: Being unfaithful or disloyal.
  • No love: Absence of genuine care or concern for others.
  • No mercy: Lack of compassion or forgiveness towards others.
jun 6 2024 ∞
sep 9 2024 +