• Atonement: the process by which sins are forgiven and reconciled through the sacrifice of Jesus.
  • Conviction: to experience an utter dreadfulness of sin.
  • Covenant: a solemn agreement or promise made between God and His people
  • Eternal Life: the gift of living forever with God, promised to those who believe in Jesus Christ.
  • Fruits of the Spirit: the qualities or virtues produced in the life of a believer through the work of the Holy Spirit
  • Glorification: God is removing any remaining flaws in you so that you may enter heaven.
  • Gospel: the good news about Jesus, what He did for us, His life of perfect obedience, His death on the cross, His resurrection from the dead, and His ascension into heaven
  • Grace: unmerited favor from God, a gift that is given freely and not earned by good works.
  • Justification: God sees you as innocent, through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Legalism: firm adherence to religious laws and rules thinking that alone will get you into heaven.
  • Licentiousness: lack of moral restraint, excessive indulgence in behaviors because "God will forgive me anyway"
  • Salvation: deliverance from sin and its effects, granted through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Steadfastness: staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly
  • Truth: that which is consistent with the Will, character, glory and being of God.
  • Redemption: the act of being saved from sin and its consequences through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  • Reconciliation: the process of restoring a broken relationship between God and humanity through Jesus Christ.
  • Tribulation: periods of great suffering, often associated with the end times or persecution for one’s faith.
  • Lord’s Prayer: the prayer taught by Jesus to His disciples, emphasizing God's holiness and forgiveness.
  • Sanctification: process of being made holy & set apart for God’s purposes, involving a transformation of character.
jul 20 2024 ∞
sep 9 2024 +