— august

    • 6. it's been raining a ton where i live! i love stormy weather so much. 7. glory to God for his grace. i've been feeling behind in my walk with Christ. something about time with him today made me feel a whole lot better. 8. another grey, misty morning. i wish everyday was like this. 9. we're getting closer and closer to starting the new school year, so i've made it my mission to do at least thirty minutes of work each day with my kiddos. that way once we start up again, we're not so rusty. also im pretty sure i got sick from the sudden drop in temperature. i'm taking extra care of myself today. 10. feeling MUCH better today. i still have body aches but thankful the coughing is going away. 15. another mom in the homeschool co-op i'm in lovingly offered her gently used curriculum and who would've guessed it would be the EXACT one i was hunting for?! it's usually hard to find and randomly pops up on ebay. i didn't even ask anyone in our co-op for anything, no one knew! God is SO good! 17. well, our first official day of homeschool starts september 9th and there's only two more weeks of august left. where does the time go? i have such a good feeling about this year though. it's going to be different but in the best way possible. 18. it's raining again! my mind is at peace ♡ 23. my kiddos are spending the weekend at nana's house, so i get to spend the next few nights listening to jazz and organizing everything that needs to be done for our upcoming school year. :D 25. spending my entire night on canva. i'm making a new cover page for my homeschool binder, a timetable and covers for portfolio folders. woop woooooop~ 26. my babies are back home :) ♡ i missed them so much. 28. battling the worst nausea and headache right now. today hasn't been too good to me either. (not pregnant. i wish.) at least it's going to rain tonight. 31. having the worst day ever. sad to close August on a note like this. thankfully it's nana to the rescue again this weekend. it'll be their last fun trip before we bunker down and start homeschool.

 — september

    • 2. officially one more week til the first day of homeschool! i have such a good feeling about this year. although i do admit, i'm a bit nervous to attend the co-op. it'll be my first time meeting new people, other homeschooling parents and so on. i know i'll feel better as the days pass. the first day is always the toughest. :( 6. three days left til homeschool ♡ on another note, it's friday and that means family game night tonight! i can't wait! my youngest has been wanting me to play Trouble, but our go-to right now is the Spongebob Edition of Life. 8. it is a nice, cool temp of 55° tonight. life is GOOD. 9. happy first day of school ♡ also my mom is seriously the cutest. she's always sending links of videos from other teachers showing their supplies, and asking if i need anything. i love her so much. 11. first day at our new co-op was a lot of fun! everybody was so nice and welcoming. they treated me as if we've known each other for years. my kiddos were a bit nervous when we first got there, understandably so, but they got used to it after a little while. i'm so happy for them! they already can't wait for next week. 15. today was.. definitely something. parenting can be really tough sometimes. looking forward to the new week. 18 the weather is so nice tonight. it's cool enough to put the heater on low and throw a fleece blanket on top of you. pure bliss. :)
aug 8 2024 ∞
sep 19 2024 +