list icon
  • Abba — "Father"
  • Logos — "The Word"
  • Yeshua - "Savior, Deliverer"
  • Adonai — "Lord Master"
  • Elohim — "The Creator"
  • Immanuel — "God with us."
  • El Roi — "The God who sees."
  • Messiah — The Anointed one."
  • Jehovah Nissi — "The Lord our banner."
  • Jehovah Rapha — "The Lord that heals."
  • Jehovah Shalom — "The Lord our peace."
  • Jehovah Raah — "The Lord my Shepherd."
  • Jehovah Shammah — "The Lord is present."
  • Jehovah Jireh — "The Lord will provide a sacrifice."
  • Alpha and Omega — "The Beginning and The End."
jul 6 2024 ∞
sep 14 2024 +