— My new favorite way of studying the Bible is using the S.O.A.P method. Here is where I'll be teaching you what each letter means, and questions you can ask yourself as you read. Don't forget a journal and pen! ♡
- S cripture: as you read, write out the verse(s) that stuck out most to you or a passage of scripture that speaks to your heart.
- O bservation: what stood out to you about this verse? were there any commands? instructions? warnings? princples? what truth can you learn? what is the author saying? what is the overall message of the verse?
- A pplication: how does this verse apply to your life today? how can you apply this verse to your life today? how can you live in light of this truth?
- P ray: respond to this passage in prayer. ask the Lord to help you apply this scripture to your life and spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.