• "You're so pretty. You're like a china doll!" (a.f.)
  • "You literally emit light." (a.h)
  • "She's like Luna Lovegood!" (s.u.)
  • "You're definitely one of the most precious girls in the school." (d.u.)
  • "I think she is THE most precious girl in the school!" (p.c)
  • "You don't need to be taller, you're cute as a button." (b.k)
  • "You're like a fairy!" (r.h.)
  • "You're beautiful!" (j.ru.)
  • "I'm so excited for you. You're gonna be famous with a studio in NYC and the coolest instagram with a million followers that teenagers worldwide rave about." (k.l., said with such a sweet look in his eyes, when i told him i'm going to school to study art)
  • "Guys, Willa is an ice princess. She's literally such a princess!" (s.g.)
  • "You're a lambchop" (t.o.c)
  • "Willa is adorable" (ma.o.c) "You are adorable, willa" *chuckling* (mr. b.w.)
  • "Willa, don't ever settle for anyone. You're amazing. Look at you, looking so cute and making your art and doing your own thing. You deserve the best." (g.b.)
  • "dude, so many guys are into you" (g.b)
  • "Willa you are so pretty! Honestly I wouldn't have said this when I'm sober because I'm too shy but if I could look like anyone in the world it would be you." (h.w.)
jan 24 2015 ∞
apr 29 2016 +