• Entirely Onboard | 4k | Stede and his brigade of imbeciles row back to the Revenge. Ed doesn’t want to hear what Stede has to say. He doesn’t! He does. / Featuring Ed and Stede as the pirate equivalent of the couple that loudly airs their personal business while one of them is on the ground floor and the other is at a second story window, the crew being The Crew, and dramatic reactions to earnest declarations.
  • Appetizing | 9k | Ed Teach is bored with his undead life. All the thrill is gone, every night the same dull drag. Then he meets Stede - werewolf, fellow bar owner, and the gentlest gentleman Ed has ever seen. / Featuring bars catering to the supernatural, blood drinking, an unorthodox werewolf pack, Ed’s immediate crush, and Stede’s surprising aptitude for murder and violence.
  • Muster The Courage | 4k | Stede does his best to make things right and that means taking his own advice and talking it through. / Featuring breakup era Blackbeard quickly turning back to domestic co-captain era Ed through the power of communication (and love), Stede being very good at a couple of things for once, and Izzy getting disrespected several times.
  • look what the cat dragged in | 11k | Stede and his crew acquire a cat, whether they like it or not.
  • Captain, Deal | 11k | “Stede, that was definitely not nothing” Edward goes on, lowering his voice into an angry whisper. “He had a fuckin’ knife to your fuckin’ chest, mate! And the things- the things he said!”. He sounds really upset, and, oddly enough, it seems to be more about the fact that the man has attacked Stede than because he has disobeyed one of his orders. / Set between episode 7 and episode 8. Chased by the Spanish, the Revenge has had to rendezvous with the Queen Anne, Blackbeard's ship, to escape defeat. In the aftermath of battle, Stede finally has the chance to visit the legendary vessel; things do not go as planned. Luckily, Edward is there to pick up the pieces - and to provide and receive comfort.
jun 17 2022 ∞
jun 17 2022 +