• milk in coffee or tea
  • egg slicer
  • folding paper (ie brown paper lunch bags?)
  • fork impressions on mashed potatoes and cookies
  • kites
  • hands
  • blending colors with a white pastel
  • blowing bubbles
  • clothesline
  • smelling books
  • shadows (blinds, walking,
  • folding esp. sheets- double over and over
  • swings
  • sidewalk chalk
  • coin jars
  • marbles
  • feathers
  • old photos
  • old toys- things you can't throw away
  • real breakfast
  • bicycling
  • smiling (eyes and mouth)
  • film
  • pressed flowers
  • sewing, thread, needle
  • cats
  • oscar
  • avocado (guac?)
  • tomato
  • flowers
  • crosswords & sudoku
  • driving & roadtrips
  • canoeing (kaknowing)
  • fruit in summer- peaches, strawberry drip
  • bread & honey
  • cursive
  • wind
  • music (jazz, folk, )
  • braiding
  • top knots
  • sushi
  • umbrellas
  • water (dew, droplets)
  • swimming
  • bonfires (mallows, circus peanuts)
  • sound of cut construction paper
  • sound of sliding scissors along paper without cutting
  • speaking french
  • french press
  • mugs
  • prayer flags
  • trees
  • faces
  • decaying buildings
  • magnifying glass to burn leaves
  • parachutes (little kid game)
  • american beauty quote
  • bookshelves
  • antiques, thrifting
  • postcards
  • drawings, sketchbooks, doodles
  • Ladew gardens, longwood
  • time lapse photo series of changing light
  • old people
  • stars
  • handwriting
  • lists
jun 14 2010 ∞
jun 14 2010 +