• Female
  • friends with Brooke
  • not friends with Brooke anymore
  • half cursive/half print handwriting
  • dated Ed
  • Taylor has a recording of a Regina Spektor concert which she mentioned and then Abigail realized that she was at that concert
  • own Once on DVD
  • own Garden State on DVD
  • possibility that Abigail knows Evan Sher
  • overall musical taste
  • STAND & Young Democrats & Latin Club
  • We both wear contacts but always glasses for planes
  • below average height
  • boyfriends broke up with us five days before our respective birthdays
  • ex-boyfriends are now friends with each other
  • simultaneous reference to Mark's sideburns
  • simultaneous reference to Zach's actual age of sixty-seventeen
  • ex-boyfriends burned us in the aeroplane over the sea
  • middle school music: Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte, Green Day
  • completely unaware of our parallel lives until the trip to Italy in 2009
  • often order the same food
  • eat fast
  • short moms
  • both had Jens Lekman albums
  • went to Italy
  • went to Ridgely
  • love film photography
  • founding members of big swimmin' swan and the thirsty misfortunes
  • not greg or grummy
  • appreciate goodwill and a good vest
  • cats!
  • met at Target
  • often order the same food
  • eat faster than a lot of people
  • same zodiac dog beanie baby
  • 11:11
apr 16 2010 ∞
apr 26 2010 +