• what?
  • I can't take a picture of myself with my camera. its so fancy why can't I?
  • why couldn't abigail find the sweater she wanted to wear today?
  • why am I so wrinkly?
  • why does my plastic turtle have a butt?
  • why did I delete all the Good Charlotte from my computer?
  • why do so many of my songs on itunes have 17 plays?
  • why did no one buy the watering can purse from goodwill before abigail got to it? Its such a gem
  • why does Abigail's grandma think cooked salad is stir-fry?
  • why do I love charm bracelets so much? I can't control myself
  • what is the strange liquid in the bottle next to my computer? My motto "drink anything that is discolored"
  • what is this? oh its the booklet from the vanessa carlton album
  • what other questions can we ask the universe?
  • which movie should we watch tonight? Ghost World, Bride and Prejudice, or Bottle Rocket?
  • what is in this large bag of old things?
  • Should I call my dad?
  • How cute is that bottle?
  • Where did all the cuts in my mouth come from?
  • Why does my cat love me so much? Why is the feeling mutual?
  • Want some soup?
  • How did God know to mold my shoulder perfectly to hold this plastic turtle?
  • Is Taylor making a necklace out of this?
  • Is my face dripping off
  • Are you sure you don't want some soup?
  • Do you need anything in a little brown jug? or anything in a jar that says Thomas Jefferson?
jan 15 2010 ∞
jan 18 2010 +