
  • when shaving delicate areas like your face & genitals, always go downwards with the direction of hair but NEVER upwards. then go sideways to get the stubborn hairs
  • when shaving other body parts (legs, arms, underarms) go upwards, against the direction of the hair
  • it is preferable to use shaving cream, but you can use water, soap, or even conditioner to shave! just never shave dry
  • you might have heard that shaving makes the hair grow faster & thicker, but thats very false. its just that waxing rips the hair out of its roots so it takes longer to grow. shaving doesnt affect hair growth at all!!
  • even if you have little to no facial hair, its still very beneficial to shave your face! it makes your face look cleaner. use a shaving gel and a straight razor, and shave sideways in short, quick strokes


  • brushing your teeth is important, not just for the appearance of white teeth but for cleanliness. brush them twice a day if you can & never forget to brush your tongue!! bad breath is a result of an unclean tongue
  • invest in a toothbrush with a bumpy head that can be used to brush ur tongue, or get a tongue scraper. you can use a tiny bit of toothpaste or just water, and scrape all the way to the back of your tongue, then rinse. its very refreshing :D
  • if you brush regularly and have yellow teeth, that’s completely normal. its based on genetics and if your teeth are slightly yellow, thats just how they are! you just have to keep them clean


  • you should use a facial cleanser and moisturizer. you should rub the cleanser in for a prolonged amount of time for a good clean. pat your face with a towel and wait a bit for it to completely dry then apple a thin layer of moisturizer
  • if you don’t moisturize, your skin panics and releases sebum (oil) which makes your face oily, and its very annoying to deal with
  • using toner, while very beneficial, is optional. it helps tighten your skin and close up your pores and gives you a cleaner look. it just cleans your face further, but cleansing and moisturizing is more than enough.
  • remember acne is completely normal no matter your age. if you get your period, its common for your skin to break out before/ during your period. just continue with washing & moisturizing regularly and it will go away in time!
  • if you’re going to use an acne cream, be wary of how to use it. ask a pharmacist or read the paper in the box about when to apply it (day or night), whether you should apply it before or after moisturizer, & if it requires another product to go along with it
  • be wary of side effects. always test products on a small patch of your skin (on your hand or wrist) and wait 24 hours to be sure that you wont have an allergic reaction. ask if u can test products at the pharmacies, and do good research when buying online


  • its important to moisturize and use primer before applying makeup. clean your brushes regularly because theyre full of oil, dead skin, and possibly expired makeup which can be harmful to your skin. never go to sleep with your makeup on!!!
  • invest in a good makeup remover or makeup wipes, especially if you wear waterproof makeup which is hard to remove. always wash your face after removing your makeup


  • wash your hair around 2-3 times a week. excessive washing can strip the oils your scalp produces and dry your hair out. + try not to play with your hair too much. it stimulates the scalp and releases extra oils which will be annoying to deal with


  • clean under your nails regularly! use water, or a nail brush/ scalpel, or u can just push one nail under another and nudge out the dirt
  • always apply a clear base coat before applying nail polish so the polish can stick to your nail better. it prevents staining and peeling and gives you a nicer, cleaner finish. nail polish also has some damaging effects so a base coat can protect you from them!
  • if you like to apply acrylics, go to a reputable, experienced nail tech. the wrong application/ removal process can destroy your natural nails. make sure youre informed of the aftercare & preservation process of acrylics too!
jan 5 2022 ∞
dec 23 2023 +