• 6:30 - wake up and make bed
  • shower and dress
  • write daily to-do list
  • workout
  • free time until 9 to have breakfast, brush teeth/floss/mouthwash, do make-up and hair, write, watch Netflix, play cards, practice Latin vocab, social media, watch TED talks etc.
  • start with 2 hours work at 9 - reading for lectures or working on essays
  • 11 - lecture M, W and Th, otherwise break
  • 12 - lecture W and Th, lunch M, or work
  • 1 - Lunch or M lecture or work
  • from 2 occasional lectures, otherwise 2 hours work/30min break
  • 30min-1hour reading or Latin before bed
feb 26 2017 ∞
jun 20 2024 +