• Achieve my Passport Award
  • Adopt an ex-racing greyhound
  • Apply to University
  • Attend Wimbledon
  • Be in a serious relationship
  • Buy a hamster and call her Adeline
  • Complete and publish at least one fiction book
  • Complete my degree with a first
  • Earn money doing something I love
  • Fall in love
  • Get a flexible part-time job
  • Get a gym membership
  • Get a Postgrad Degree from Cambridge
  • Get a summer job
  • Get a sunshine tattoo
  • Get an HPA handicap
  • Get earrings
  • Get on the polo committee
  • Go on St. Gobnait's trail
  • Have my dream wedding
  • Have my own family
  • Join a gospel choir
  • Join the Reserve Army
  • Keep social media accounts up to date
  • Learn how to play the drums and get a grade
  • Learn Latin
  • Learn Spanish
  • Learn to cook
  • Learn to make fruit smoothies and green smoothies
  • Learn to play Go
  • Participate in MUN
  • Pass my driving test
  • Play polo at novice level
  • Rank in a national polo tournament
  • Start a daily workout routine
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Try karate
  • Visit every continent
  • Volunteer abroad and earn a TEFL qualification
  • Volunteer in a school
  • Write a dissertation
feb 26 2017 ∞
jun 20 2024 +