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Starting a few days in after Australian flu :p

  • January 10th: Mum's birthday in London. Fortnum and Mason. Shopping for books. Dinner at Carluccios. Cute Little Women movie.
  • January 11th: Slept in. Spent the day with my cats. Wreck This Journal. Amazing grades!. Packing.
  • January 12th: Nice lunch out. Last term at uni!. Library. The saddest ever essay. Call the Midwife.
  • January 13th: To Kill A Mockingbird. Money problems. Massive rainstorm. Coursework in the library. Read Plato.
  • January 14th: Philosophy class (pretty good). First Murder Squad arrest!. Binge-watching A Series of Unfortunate Events to find all the literary references. Finishing crime coursework. Library all night.
  • January 15th: Coursework complete!. Very boring refreshers fair. Sooo tireeedddd. Smol choir rehearsal. Hot chocolate at Cecilia’s.
  • January 16th: Famous Five and Orlando classes. The problem with made up words. MFM. Learning all about bison. Death in Paradise.
  • January 17th: Catching up on sleep. Tidying room. Lots of old MFM. Made my bed. The People vs OJ Simpson (little Kardashians!).
  • January 18th: Walk at VW. Hot chocolate. Finished OJ. Monkeys, monkeys. Gavin and Stacey.
  • January 19th: Guitar chords. Found some cute new music. Tech run/waiitiiing. AbHarm & Friends concert. Call the Midwife + midnight coffee.
  • January 20th: More To Kill a Mockingbird. Ruxandra was back. Bubble tea. Read Plato. FaceTimed Brooke.
  • January 21st: Talking a lot in philosophy. A Room of One's Own. Podcasts. Home. Good ol' Dick + Angel.
  • January 22nd: My car is raining (!?). Riding Trooper Billy (without stirrups - oww!). Orange is the New Black. Rehearsal. Library 'til late.
  • January 23rd: C S Lewis. A Room of One’s Own. Gyoza + Orange is the New Black. Drove home listening to MFM. Death in Paradise.
  • January 24th: Clearing out at the grandparents’. I have a typewriter!!! (+ fluffy boots!). Too much sticky glass. Baked potato. Thai meal with mum.
  • January 25th: Visited Nanny. Coffee Cherry. Orange is the New Black. Playing with my lovely Bob!. Saw Rocketman.
  • January 26th: Slept in. Helped with clearing. Much rain. Worked on my journal (FBI fingerprints). Call the Midwife.
  • January 27th: Early morning. We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Weird email (??). Podcasts. Orange is the New Black.
  • January 28th: Why am I ill again?. Class on Nietzsche. Grocery shop. Tired all day. Orange is the New Black.
  • January 29th: Slept in all morning. Tidied room listening to The Waves. Orange is the New Black. Kind of dull rehearsal. Tea and singing at Cecilia’s.
  • January 30th: Picture books. The Waves. Yoga. Why am I sad?. Death In Paradise + Orange is the New Black.
  • January 31st: Slept in again. Library. Writing + reading Woman Warrior. Yoga. Orange is the New Black.
  • February 1st: Library. Writing short stories with Cecilia. Chai latte (love!!). Orange is the New Black + more family drama. Midnight yoga.
  • February 2nd: Restless. Tolkien books. Walked to the war memorial + looked from Windsor Castle to The Shard. Call the Midwife. Yoga.
  • February 3rd: Class on a book I hadn’t read (oh well...). Crepe + SU box. Relaxed at home/collected my car. Aristotle library night. Yoga + podcasts.
  • February 4th: Aristotle class. Impromptu drive to Weybridge. Nero + much concert tickets!. Orange is the New Black. Bowling with the riding girls.
  • February 5th: Sleepy morning. Drove to riding. Hard-work horse. Choir rehearsal. Cecilia/Jonathan/the tractor song....
  • February 6th: Adam is Snape.... The Waves. Funny Harry Potter seminar. Drove home. MFM + Death in Paradise.
  • February 7th: Love my kitties!. Custard apple throwback. Chai @ Coffee Cherry. Ironing/ The Purrcast. Ordered a cowgirl hat :p.
  • February 8th: Brunch out with parents. Blueberry and maple syrup pancakes. New room!!?. Treasurering. Orange is the New Black + Sugar Rush.
  • Feburary 9th: Much sleep. Stormy weather. Caught up on yoga. Lazy day. Call the Midwife.
  • February 10th: Volunteering meet. Saw Chiara. Grocery shopping. Riding trip meeting. Read Kant.
  • February 11th: Philosophy (pissed off about all the strikes).... Bubble tea. Orange is the New Black.
  • February 12th: Went to town again. Orange is the New Black. Pres party at Maddie’s. Night out with riding girls. Got weird.
  • February 13th: 13 is an unlucky number, so i guess this day would be best forgotten about.
  • February 14th: Felt a bit better. Lots of sleep + water. Caught up on so many shows. Home for reading week. Kitty therapy.
  • February 15th: Bought toys for my kitties. Playing with baby Bob. Relaxed. Family Thai meal. RIP Caroline Flack <3.
  • February 16th: Flooding everywhere. Showed Brooke Orange is the New Black. Call the Midwife.
  • February 17th: Library. Successfully treasurer-ed. So, we dating now?. Also, I think that's my hat.... Made katsu with Brooke.
  • February 18th: Caroline's Law petition. Orange is the New Black.
  • February 19th: Baked lots of biscuits. Criminal. Drove Brooke back. Library and Starbucks.
  • February 20th: Car MOT. Read The Waves. Lovely avocado brunch. Saw Grandma. Death in Paradise + MFM.
  • February 21st: Going to France. Saw Bella (+ got some worky work). Great chat with parents. Made the best salad. Orange is the New Black.
  • February 22nd: Finished Orange is the New Black (this show tattooed its impact right across my heart <3).
  • February 23rd - March 14th: Okay, life has been so weird lately. I’ve seen the most incredible Halsey concert, briefly dated a guy called Toby, fallen off a horse and spent way too much time sleeping. Meanwhile the world has gone into lockdown over the coronavirus, and all plans are up in the air right now.

++ Update: Took some time out because the world broke ++

dec 29 2019 ∞
jun 20 2024 +