• 22112017
  • 24102017
  • 26062018
  • Acarology (the study of ticks)
  • Addictionology (the study of addiction)
  • Aestaology (the study of summer)
  • Areology (the study of Mars)
  • Astrobiology (the study of extraterrestrial life)
  • Behavioral Ecology (the study of reproductive ethics)
  • Biogerontology (the study of aging)
  • Bisonology (the study of the buffalo)
  • Bufology (the study of toads)
  • Cabinology (the study of cabins)
  • Cheloniology (the study of sea turtles)
  • Chiropterology (the study of bats)
  • Chronobiology (the study of circadian rhythms)
  • Classical Archeology (the study of ancient civilisation)
  • Cnidariology (the study of coral)
  • Conservation Technology (the study of Earth protection)
  • Corvid Thanatology (the study of crow funerals)
  • Cosmetology (the study of glamour and grooming)
  • Cosmology (the study of the universe)
  • Cryoseismology (the study of icequakes)
  • Cucurbitology (the study of pumpkins)
  • Cynology (the study of dogs)
  • Deltiology (the study of postcards)
  • Demonology (the study of evil spirits)
  • Dendrology (the study of trees)
  • Diabetology (the study of blood sugar)
  • Disasterology (the study of disasters)
  • Disease Ecology (the study of tick-borne illness)
  • Disinfectiology (the study of bleach)
  • Egyptology (the study of ancient Egypt)
  • Entomology (the study of insects)
  • Entomophagy Anthropology (the study of eating bugs)
  • Epidemiology (the study of diseases)
  • Eschatology (the study of the apocalypse)
  • Etymology (the study of word origins)
  • Evolutionary Biology (the study of Darwinian theory)
  • Fearology (the study of fear)
  • Felinology (the study of cats)
  • Ferroequinology (the study of trains)
  • Food Anthropology (the study of eating and feasting)
  • Functional Morphology (the study of anatomy)
  • Futurology (the study of the future)
  • Gastroegyptology (the study of ancient Egyptian baking)
  • Gelotology (the study of laughter)
  • Gemology (the study of crystals and gem stones)
  • Genealogy (the study of family trees)
  • Gizmology (the study of robots)
  • Glycobiology (the study of carbohydrates)
  • Graphology (the study of handwriting)
  • Grateful-ology [not a real word] (the study of gratitude)
  • Gynecology (the study of vaginal health)
  • Hagfishology (the study of hagfish)
  • Hematology (the study of blood)
  • Herpetology (the study of snakes, frogs and turtles)
  • Horology (the study of watches)
  • Ichthyology (the study of fish)
  • Island Ecology (the study of islands)
  • Kalology (the study of beauty standards)
  • Lepidopterology (the study of butterflies)
  • Ludology (the study of gaming)
  • Lupinology (the study of wolves)
  • Matrimoniology (the study of marriage)
  • Melacology (the study of slugs and snails)
  • Melittology (the study of bees)
  • Microbiology (the study of the gut biome)
  • Mixology (the study of cocktails)
  • Molecular Neurobiology (the study of chemicals in the brain)
  • Museology (the study of museums)
  • Mycology (the study of mushrooms)
  • Myrmecology (the study of ants)
  • Mythology (the study of storytelling)
  • Nephology (the study of clouds)
  • Nomology (the study of The Constitution)
  • Oceanology (the study of the oceans)
  • Oology (the study of eggs)
  • Ophthalmology (the study of eyes)
  • Ornithology (the study of birds)
  • Osteology (the study of skeletons and bones)
  • Paleontology (the study of dinosaurs)
  • Performance Psychology (the study of anxiety and confidence)
  • Personality Psychology (the study of personalities)
  • Phenology (the study of the seasons)
  • Philematology (the study of kissing)
  • Phonolgy (the study of linguistics)
  • Plumology (the study of feathers)
  • Potterology (the study of Harry Potter and ‘wizardry’)
  • Primatology (the study of monkeys and apes)
  • Psycholgical Traumatology (the study of PTSD and stress)
  • Quantum Ontology (the study of reality)
  • Radiology (the study of x-rays)
  • Rhinology (the study of noses)
  • Saurology (the study of lizards)
  • Scatology (the study of poo)
  • Scorpiology (the study of scorpions)
  • Selachimorphology (the study of sharks)
  • Selenology (the study of the moon)
  • Sexology (the study of sex)
  • Snow Hydrology (the study of snow and avalanches)
  • Somnology (the study of sleep)
  • Spidroinology (the study of spider webs)
  • Surgical Oncology (the study of breast cancer)
  • Testudinology (the study of tortoises)
  • Teuthology (the study of squids)
  • Thanatology (the study of death and dying)
  • Thermophysiology (the study of body heat)
  • Trichology (the study of hair)
  • Veterinary Biology (the study of critter fixing)
  • Vexillology (the study of flags)
  • Victimology (the study of crime victims)
  • Virology (the study of viruses)
  • Volcanology (the study of volcanoes)
  • Volitional Psychology (the study of procrastination)
  • Zymology (the study of beer)
jan 17 2020 ∞
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