• Burnout [ sometimes after essay deadlines or trying to do too much at once ]
    • Can't maintain friendships [ important friendships usually last a couple of years, many are shorter ]
    • Disordered eating
    • Extremely vivid daydreams [ may temporarily lose track with real life setting ]
    • Getting excited about 'weird' things
    • Hearing instructions but not taking them in
    • Hyperfixating on people
    • Ignoring people/things while focusing
    • Insomnia
    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Loneliness/isolation
    • Low self worth
    • Overwhelmed by options
    • Racing thoughts
    • Rejection sensitivity
    • Repeating things over to remember them
    • Self conscious about being simultaneously too annoying and too boring
    • Self harming behaviours
    • Skewed sense of time [ thinking that something can be done within a certain time-frame when it obviously can't ]
    • Unhealthy/lack of coping mechanisms
  • Social Anxiety
  • Obsessive Behaviours
  • Maladaptive Daydreams
  • Food Issues
jun 27 2021 ∞
jun 20 2024 +