i dont have a whole lot of dreams but i want to learn how to lucid dream, so i might as well give it a shot.
- 02.12 i had a realization that whenever i dream that i'm at my grandma's house i always dream that there's a hill nearby (that doesn't exist) and over that hill there's the entrance to a trail (that also doesnt exist). the trail is pretty much just a long stretch of road along a river/creek, but i noticed that its always the same trail whenever i dream about this specific place. the only reason it changes in appearance is when the seasons change. this time i dreamed that the trail and the hill was totally covered in a long, soft kind of grass, didn't feel itchy when it touched your skin at all, surprisingly. those southern cattails were growing scattered around, and everything was down on the floor as if the wind had blown it down. the grass was green and shiny and the sound of it rustling in the wind was akin to the soft sound of waves crashing. it was very nice and very peaceful. i was afraid of snakes when i stepped over it. ive never really has a reocurring dream before like this so its kind of interesting.
- 02.27 i dreamt that i was monkey d. luffy. i dreamt that my family was coming over again, specifically, my cousins and my aunt, and that we were all going to stay in a casino in reno. we visited and stayed in a casino that i think was supposed to be circus circus, but didn't look very much like it at all. it was much more modern and the place had a lot more foliage than reno actually does, almost tropical. i dreamed that when we went into the casino, we met some people we already know. one of them actually was a guy i know irl, but the other was a girl i have no idea who was supposed to be. eventually we went to our hotel room and i started to unpack things, when i started pulling a tapestry out of my bag and hung it up on the wall along with some magnets that matched it that i stuck on it for some reason. i dont know why because the tapestry was super metal and violent and it freaked out my mom who criticized it because she said it was satanic. i got nervous about her disapproval and began rolling up the tapestry (sadly) to throw it out, but for some reason, doflamingo was trying to stop me and defeat me i think. usopp and i were trying to fend him off when i managed to get away to throw away the tapestry, while usopp was fighting off doflamingo and buying time. doflamingo was wearing his backstory suit while he was fighting and used stupid attacks (like a giant despicable me fart guns) while he monologued about his past. apparently, when he was a baby, he was just a floating head of his grown version. super weird.
- 02.28 i had another dream about the girls. i dreamed that we were all moving in together or something really vague, and i dreamed that the house was really weird. i remember both my grandmas being there, it was kind of reminiscient of the feeling i got when i first stepped into the cabin at arnold.
feb 12 2025 ∞
feb 28 2025 +