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aug 24 2021 ∞
jul 26 2024 +
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characters who view themselves as tools/weapons first and people second… characters who martyr themselves for a cause because they think that’s the only way they can be worth something… characters for whom devotion and masochism are inseparable… characters whose self-sacrifice becomes self-annihilation... what was my point again? i had a point. anyway.

      • andrew neiman whiplash
      • will graham hannibal
      • l lawliet death note
      • angel devil chainsaw man
      • connor detroit: become human
      • eddie munson stranger things
      • todd anderson dead poets society
      • doc holliday tombstone
      • ryo yamada bocchi the rock!
aug 24 2023 ∞
jul 23 2024 +
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i taste every wasted minute, every time i turned away from the things that might have healed me, did i squander my divinity? was happiness within me the whole time?

  • keegan“ ardent; fiery. ”
  • 19 · canadian · ɪɴᴛᴘ 5w4 ++
  • undergrad crim / law student

heart-shaped box. alternative rock, coffee, drawing & painting, leather jackets, fictional detectives, vampires, cowboys, thriller movies, formula 1, religious imagery, miso soup, rain, petting stray cats, late nights.

oct 4 2022 ∞
jul 26 2024 +
mar 31 2024 ∞
jul 26 2024 +
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      • am / fm characterization
      • ambiguously bi
      • attention deficit... ooh, shiny!
        • motor mouth
        • thinking tic
      • book smart, street dumb
      • culturally catholic
        • love is like religion
      • deadpan snarker
        • when he smiles
      • exhausted eye bags
      • dreary half-lidded eyes
      • forgets to eat
        • must have caffeine
      • his own worst enemy
mar 22 2024 ∞
jul 23 2024 +
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sensuous • inventive • meticulous • unemotional • nervous +

𝔦. without arms, wings or flippers, the cold-blooded snakes are forced to slink through life in a solitary quest for warmth and acceptance. shy and insecure, they keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. fortunately, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.

  • cyclic rebirth / self-destruction — ouroboros
  • temptation / divine intoxication — biblical
  • healing / venom — caduceus

𝔦𝔦. with their intimate connection to the earth and their unique perspective on life, snakes have learned to express themselves through art. whether writers, moviemakers or painters, they are obsessively meticulous about their craft.

mar 9 2023 ∞
jul 23 2024 +