lista de algumas indicações de livros sobre poesia para tentar ler ou adquirir em algum momento da minha "peregrinação pessoal poética".
- Vendler, Helen. ‘Poems, Poets, Poetry: An Introduction and Anthology.’ (all of her quotes are from this book)
- Ashbery, John. ‘A Man of Words’.
- Ashbery, John. ‘A Poem of Unrest’.
- Blair, Robert. ‘The Grave.’
- Bradley, A. C. ‘Oxford Lectures on Poetry.’
- Brower, Reuben. ‘In Defense of Reading.’
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. ‘Work Without Hope’.
- Edwards, Michael. ‘Bible and Poetry'.’
- Finch, Lady Anne. ‘To the Nightingale’.
- O’Hara, Frank. ‘Meditations in an Emergency’
- O’Hara, Frank. ‘Dolce Colloquio’.
- Oliver, Mary. ‘Death at Wind River.’
- Paz, Octavio. ‘O Arco e a Lira’.
- Rimbaud, Arthur. ‘Genie’ (translated by John Ashbery)
- Siken, Richard. ‘Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out’.
- Schlegel, Friedrich. ‘Fragmentos sobre Poesia e Literatura (1797-1803)’,
- Shelley, Percy. ‘Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats.’
- Steiner, George. ‘The Poetry of Thought: From Hellenism to Celan.’
- Stevens, Wallace. ‘Bouquet of Roses in Sunlight.’
- Thomas, Dylan. ‘A Winter’s Tale.’
- Thomas, Dylan. ‘Poem in October.’
- Whitman, Walt. ‘Leaves of Grass.’
- Wilde, Oscar. ‘At Verona’.
- Yeats, W. B. ‘Adam's Curse’
jan 26 2025 ∞
jan 26 2025 +