• if you race-bend "white passing" characters to be black/of colour for the sake of "diversity".
      • ↳ Specifically if it's phrased to be "fixing" or "diversifying"
      • ↳ Specifically if in regards to character from anime bc they "look white"


      • ↳ I am an Asian person, and seeing Asian characters get "fixed" just to be darker skinned doesn't sit right with me. It makes me unhappy and uncomfortable to see this kind of behaviour! I understand it comes from a good place, but it's pretty ignorant to the fact that that's just erasing other minorities purely because those characters are "white passing".
      • ↳ This has no bearing on if you just race-bend for fun, or whatever. It's just when people do it with the claim of "fixing" or "making more diverse" for some sort of moral high ground that inadvertantly makes minorities like me feel spoken over.
      • ↳ Obviously this is just my one opinion, as an Asian person seeing these kinds of things. It may not be an opinion shared by other people like me, I'm just stating how unhappy and frustrating it feels from my point of view.


      • Please also dnf me if you are of the opinion that short, feminine/female characters are "child coded". I'm not gonna be polite about it, get the fuck out of here until you grow the fuck up lol
      • ↳ I am 4' 10"/147cm and feminine presenting, and I am a full grown adult. This mindset is harmful to me and people like me and I'm really sick of it.
nov 19 2021 ∞
dec 7 2021 +