⇢ favorites - ♥︎ ┋ reread - ↺
- os segredos que contei ao oceano - camilla giordanno
- the prince's poisoned vow - hailey turner
- o cozer das pedras, o roer dos ossos - patrick torres
- manhattanhenge 悬日 - zhichu
- água viva - clarice lispector
- the emperor's bone palace - hailey turner
- as long as the lemon trees grow - zoulfa katouh
- sorcery and small magics - maiga doocy
- rebirth of a star general 重生之女将星 - qian shan cha ke
- lady's guide to celestial mechanics - olivia waite
- the queen’s starfire throne - hailey turner
- the rebirth of the malicious empress of military lineage 重生之将门毒后 - qian shan cha ke ♥︎
- a clash of kings - george r.r. martin
dec 26 2024 ∞
feb 19 2025 +