You are nice, charitable, and sympathetic, especially to yourself. You are always looking out for your own interests first and you have a high regard for whom you are. It is not a matter of thinking others are unimportant, rather that you are just more important. Ease and a lot of security are what you want from life and your extraordinary intuition says you will have it. A surface that is reserved and shy hides your true intensity and ambition. You have the impulsive energy and drive of Aries plus the sensitivity and compassion of Pisces. It surprises people when you drop your modest appearance to become frank and decisive. You are not naive even though you appear to be a babe in the woods. Actually, you are a very autonomous and selfsufficient individual. You know how to get your way with charisma and delicate persuasion because you are sly, shrewd, and subtle. This is particularly true of the woman Pisces-Aries. You know automatically who to trust and who to pass by because of your amazing sixth sense. You are very impulsive as are all Moons in Aries people, and you love pleasure. Taking chances just for the fun of it may be what you love, but it might also bring you trouble. Curb your impatience and learn to slow down now and then. Your Pisces character is rather inhibited, so when the time comes for action, you may be indecisive but your Aries Moon gives you big aspirations and a need to assert yourself. In addition, not desiring to exceed those who are weaker than you are, maybe you feel a bit guilty about aggressive behavior. Others do not have to pay the price of self-fulfillment, however. It would be good to learn this. Your Sun-Moon combination is favorable to leadership jobs, especially in charitable and service-oriented groups. A career in medicine or engineering, in addition, is possible because of your keen, perceptive mind. You have an emotionally charged Aries inner character, so you could become a productive artist and your Pisces vision and creative facility are improved by self-expression. Your quick mind, appeal, and flexibility unite to help assure your success once those inhibitions have been defeated. Your real kindness of spirit and consideration will bloom after you have attended to your own needs. Your sympathy is forever with the underdog and you have strong protective instincts. Do not become condescending though, because for some PiscesArians, helping people can just be an ego enhancement.

jun 18 2021 ∞
oct 11 2021 +