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I really like lists. I make them for myself, so even the non-private ones aren't meant to be read by anyone but me.


These are the types I think I'd most like to adopt. However, I do not expect to adopt them all. (Most likely I'll adopt moggies.)

  • British Shorthair
    • easygoing, rarely hiss or scratch, tolerate moderate physical interaction but dislike being picked up, make good indoor cats, not demanding, like to be close to owners but not on them, not destructive, do well on their own at home, enjoy being petted, not super vocal, tend to follow owners & want to supervise their activity, can be taught small tricks, can be prone to obesity so limit diet
  • Domestic Shorthair or American Shorthair
    • A Domestic does not belong to any recognised cat breed, whereas American Shorthairs do. Domestic Shorthairs, or moggies, are basically mixes and have a wide range of gene possibilities; they might resemble an American Shorthair. American Shorthairs are athletic, large, and lean. They're healthy, easy-going, affectionate to owners and social to strangers.
  • Dragon Li
    • Intelligent, interacts perspicuously with humans
  • Egyptian Mau
    • Fast, smart, loyal, bond with owners, likes the outdoors
  • Exotic Shorthair
    • Affectinoate, loyal, gentle, calm, playful, lap cat, hates to be alone
  • German Rex
    • Friendly, quickly bonds with owner
  • Havana Brown
    • Intelligent, moderately active, curious, playful, rarely destructive unless left without companionship, don't like being left alone, become attached to family, love to play in people's hair
  • Himalayan
    • sweet-tempered, intelligent, good companions, gentle, calm, love affection, playful, devoted & dependent upon owner
  • Japanese Bobtail
    • Active,intelligent, human-oriented, easy to train, attentive, alert, talkative, soft voices with nearly a whole scale of tones, many like water
  • Khao Manee
    • All white, muscular, athletic, active, communicative, intelligent
  • Korat
    • large green eyes, heart-shaped head, intelligent, playful, forms strong bonds with people, known as the "good luck cat"
  • LaPerms
    • Curly fur, affectionate, elegant, outgoing, active, reported to be hypoallergenic
  • Lykoi
    • Partially hairless, friendly, unchallenging, highly affectionate to owner, were-wolfish appearance
  • Maine Coon
    • One of the most popular cat breeds, large, sociable, intelligent, playful, gentle


  • Black cat
  • Tabby cat
  • Tuxedo cat
  • Calico cat
  • White cat
jul 5 2012 ∞
jul 19 2015 +