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  • SALMON, W. Causality and explanation.
  • ROBERTS, R. What makes an explanation a good explanation? Adult learners' criteria for acceptance of a good explanation.
  • ANTAKI, C. Explaining and arguing.
  • ANTAKI, C. Analysing everyday explanation.
  • DUTRA, L. H. A. (1998) introdução a teoria da ciência.
  • EDWARDS, D. and MERCER, N. Common knowledge; the development of understanding in the classroom.
  • HALLIDAY, M. A. K. and MARTIN, J. Writing science; literacy and discursive power.
  • OGBORN, J. Theorical and empirical investigations of the nature of scientific and common-sense knowledge. (doutorado dele)
  • OGBORN, J.; KRESS, G.; MARTINS, l.; MCGILLICUDDY, K. (1996) Expiaíning Science in the Classroom. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
  • SCHANK, R. (1986) Explanation patterns. Hilisdate, NJ: Lawrence Eribaum.
  • LEMKE, J. (1990) Talking Science.
  • ABELSON, R.; (1977) Scripts, plans, goals and understanding.
  • POSNER, G.; STRIKE, K.; HEWSON, P.; GERTZOG, W. Acomodation of a scientific concepcion; toward a theory of conceptual change. (mudança conceitual)


  • Salmon
  • TROUT, J. D. Scientific explanation and the sense of understanding.
  • SMITH, M. U.; SIEGEL, H. Knowing, believing and understanding: what goals for science education? (apropriação e domínio?)
  • SCHWITZGEBEL, E. Children's theories and the drive to explain.
  • MARTINS, I.; OGBORN, J.; KRESS, G. Explicando uma explicação.
  • MIRIANI, M. C.; OGBORN, J. The ontology of physical events; a comparison of two groups.

Trabalhos de Wolff-Michael /roth: uso da perspectiva da análise do discurso e conceitos desenvolvidos por sociólogos da ciência como Latour. (Ensino colaborativo)

  • Bruner 1986 - sobre "cognição narrativa" em contraponto à "cognição paradigmática".
dec 7 2014 ∞
jun 13 2015 +