• im vera/xavier im 15 (march 25)
  • any prnouns ok
  • sb when unfollowing
  • enstars, hxh, pkmn (esp sinnoh + pmde), ace attorney, inazuma, mp100, mother series, kirby, ll!, im@s
  • im not comfortable listing much personal info publicly but if anything on your byf/ask to follow thing applies to me i will let U know, or if you need to know sth for safety comfort etc just ask.. !
  • i often go offline for long periods of time and i cant like tweets a lot but i dont ignore/mute anyone on purpose i lobe my mutuals
nov 28 2016 ∞
nov 28 2016 +
  • i dont feel like making a dfi section i mean i cant control who follows me or not but i probably wont follow back if you constantly post nsfw (imgs or text) or we dont really have anything in common
  • i dont mind confrontation at all if i do anything that upsets you id appreciate if you told me esp if we're friends
aug 15 2016 ∞
nov 28 2016 +