• Zhu Rong = Chinese Warrior God of Fire and Heavenly Executioner
  • Nightmarchers = Hawaiian myth. A group of ghosts that are old warriors, kings, and Gods of the Hawai'i islands who march around the islands to sacred places. You must not be seen by them. If you hear their marching, you must kneel down with your face to the ground and not look at them, or else they will brutally kill you, because it is against the law to look upon the king without permission. Surrounding your house with ti leaves will repel them.
  • carpe diem - latin for 'seize the day'
  • Germinarium - an indoor environment where fungus and lichen are cultivated
  • Highnanigans - shenanigans conducted while high
jun 11 2018 ∞
jun 29 2018 +