list icon
  • go for a walk. draw or list things you find on the sidewalk.
  • write a letter to yourself in the future.
  • draw your dinner.
  • find a piece of poetry you respond to. rewrite it into your journal.
  • glue an envelope into your journal. for one week, collect things you find on the street.
  • expose yourself to a new artist (gallery, book, etc). write what moves you about them/their work.
  • find a photo of a person you don't know. write a brief bio about them.
  • spend a day only drawing red things.
  • draw your bike.
  • make a list of everything you buy in the next week.
  • make a map of everywhere you went in one day.
  • draw a map of the creases on your hand.
  • record an overheard conversation.
  • trace the path of the moon in relation to where you live.
  • go to a paint store and collect 'chips' of all your favorite colors.
  • draw your favorite tree.
  • take fifteen minutes to eat an orange.
  • write a haiku.
  • hang upside down for five minutes.
  • read a book in one day and write about the experience.
  • illustrate your grocery list.
  • write a letter to someone you admire.
  • study the face of someone you do not like.
  • make a meal based on a color scheme.
  • dedicate a page to very small things.
  • list the smells in your neighborhood.
  • list 50 uses for a tin can.
  • fill an entire page with circles and shapes. color them in.
  • give away something you love.
  • choose an object. draw the side you can't see.
  • describe your favorite room in detail.
  • draw all of the things in your purse/bag.
  • create a character based on someone you know. make a list of personality traits.
  • recall your favorite childhood game.
  • draw the same object every day for a week.
  • write in your journal using a different medium. (charcoal, brush and ink, old typewriter, crayons, fat markers.)
  • draw the individual items of your favorite outfit.
  • research a celebration or ritual from another culture.
  • do a temporary art installation using a pad of sticky notes and a pen.
  • record all the sound you hear in the course of an hour.
  • using a grid, collect various textures from magazines and play them off each other.
  • make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces.
  • draw your garbage.
  • list your ten most important things (not including animals/people).
  • list ten things you would like to do each day.
  • glue a photo of yourself as a child into your journal.
  • transform some garbage.
  • write an entry in your journal in REALLY LARGE letters.
  • collect some flat things from nature (leaves, flowers). glue/tape them into your journal.
  • physically alter a page (burn it, pour tea/coffee on it, fold it, cut holes in it).
  • write an entry describing something "secret." cut it up into several pieces and glue them back scrambled.
  • record definitions of words you are interested in.
  • create an image using dots.
  • create a graph documenting/measuring something in your life.
  • draw the sun.
  • create instructions for a simple everyday task.
  • make prints using food (fruit and vegetables and fish cut in half).
  • find a photo. alter it by drawing on it.
  • write a letter using an unconventional medium.
  • draw one object for twenty minutes.
  • write about your day in an encyclopedic fashion (organize by subject, alphabetically).
  • write a list of all the things you could do to escape.
  • cut a random shape out of several pages in a magazine. collage them together on one page.
  • write an entry in code.
  • write about or draw some of the doors in your life.
  • list ten of your habits.
  • make a list of five things you can see from where you're sitting. now write down five things about each of them.
  • write about time.
  • write your favorite childhood story in your own style.
  • create a character based on one of your teachers.
  • imagine each person you talk to as an animal. which animal are they? how would they act in the wild? how would they respond to other animals? etc
  • use sand as a metaphor or symbol.
  • draw the news.
  • give advice to yourself in the past.
  • write the phone call you wish you could have.
  • describe what you want to have done to your body when you die.
  • take a picture of your parents kissing.
  • write down a recent argument.
  • take a picture of strangers holding hands.
  • list ten things you do for fun that might not be considered fun by many people.
  • list 25 things that are bad for the soul.
  • describe what you plan to have accomplished by the time you're 50.
  • describe what motivates you to get out of bed every morning.
  • write about your favorite TV show and respond to the latest episode. (include picture and best quote from the episode?)
  • tape notes to yourself on a page, instead of throwing them away.
  • go to a restaurant and write down the name, date, and time you went, as well as who you were with. describe what you ate and whether or not you liked it. attach a business card and/or receipt.
  • make a "trousseau" page. make a list of all the things you want to own someday, including colors, patterns, quantities, etc.
  • write about a dream you had. find out what it "means."
  • make a list of all your "guilty pleasures."
  • name five things in your freezer.
  • define peace.
  • describe your perfect vacation/holiday.
  • make a list of people that irritate you.
  • make a list of people that make you smile.
  • write a letter to someone you need to forgive.
jul 7 2008 ∞
jan 7 2009 +