• when i first got the car, and i was so excited that i went to annie's house and we went to walmart to get things to make the car more personal
  • driving high through a "safari"
  • backing into josh's tree
  • sideswiping the guard rail on my way home from bsc and never hearing the end of it
  • going to eb and packing 6 people into the buick
  • going to eb for a brawl and ending up packing 7 people into the buick
  • "woman driver" - sal
  • driving home from onset with josh trying to convince me to "piss my pants" in order to replace my old onset memory
  • getting ready for cosmic bowling in becca's driveway
  • almost running over the squirrel with gabster
  • when laura and i got to go to papa ginos even though she was grounded
  • taking a ride with jon garanito
  • when bainter put on existentialism on prom night and we all sang and that one moment made that shitty day was worth it
  • when my dad saw my car after my car accident and we spent the next 10 minutes laughing hysterically at the fact i had crashed 2 cars
  • driving home from the raynham show in a wicked good mood singing taylor swift with beccer :]
apr 29 2008 ∞
jun 14 2009 +