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This will be information about me, a little bit of my world and just a space for my forgotten writings. Fiction and not.

  • Stick with what you've got, or perhaps just aim higher next time. Not during the operation, of course. That's unfair to the players. Why can't you be satisfied? Tell me, why are you greedy? You waited your turn just to discard it, but at least you caused damage. Questions develop further, but only I know the answers. And that's why you dwell on it too much, you find yourself not knowing what your next move will be. It's sort of sad, sort of not. Close it up, it's slightly evident. They're oblivious, or maybe play the same way. Absurd complains, knock knock knock the god of all power over your life turns you away. You did wrong, you didn't win this match, but I bet it felt victorious when you went off course. You practice and practice, gloominess surrounding you as you capture the attention of more players, they all know it's easy to earn a match with you. Cheating and getting caught, isn't that a middle school thing? Alas! This ending just makes me scrunch up my face, in some ways you did win, your technique, your foxiness and your charm distracted them but in the end, you had no reward. I used to be called the best player, in my times. You don't see me anymore, my cruel eyes set everyone off, you could learn from me. Oh, you could learn from me a lot. Raised by losers, now I'm here. I didn't need practice, I didn't need anything but logic and a cold heart.

Just what are you doing? Didn't I specify I was done..I'm never this secretive but I was sure of your guesses. The king will never once again play, so stop it! Ah..Ah Guess I was wrong when I swore that that had been my last game. A new match, Sir? I can only find the best of entertainment and comfort in debauchery. Everything planned out makes everything interesting. But I never saw this coming..yet I'm so enthralled in all of it rather than winning. -The outsider has been convinced into a round- I let you, every time do what you want even though you're so bad. I gotta go essy on beginners, eh? Impatience.. let me do my thing, call me the king or the ruler. Is this what people were talking about? Actual competition.? No, but you're nothing, at least that's what I've known since you challenged me. Pitiful and just humiliating! I can't be in such a vulnerable place; the acceptance of one like myself. A week full of passionate nights of capering. As it turns out, I don't play my cards well. I've lost and forced back into repetitive playing, while you have the throne and the prize.

jun 11 2017 ∞
jun 11 2017 +