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This is PP Entertainment's listography with information regarding all idols under the company. Lists are still being worked on and more information will be added soon.

listography TERMS


  • name: jeon risoo
  • birthday: 2/14/97
  • height: 5'10
  • position: vocalist, sub-rapper, visual
  • nationality: canadian
  • ethnicity: korean


  • ross was born as an only child in canada. he enjoys all things music, and loves rapping with all his heart. he pretty much got his personality from both his parents. since he was young, he always had a pretty face. his parents knew that, and always told him to take good care of himself, so he did. being friendly and maintained since childhood, he was considered a popular kid in school with many friends.
  • one day, he gets spotted by an agent of PP, and gets streetcasted. he decides "why not" and auditions, and gets accepted much to his surprise. during training to become an idol, he is selected by the CEO to become a member of their upcoming group o3, but gets badly injured during his training. this causes him to be unable to debut until recovery. the CEO decides to keep him in the group due to his remarkable talents and attractive appearance as well as friendship to the other members (esp seolhun), but will not reveal his identity until full recovery to avoid issues and protect his privacy for safe and proper treatment. o3 was thus portrayed as a 5-member group with an unknown 6th member until he finally recovers 3 years later (1 year to heal; 2 to finish training & strengthen body again). he was introduced by the company & group at the beginning of the AIR=YOU era in 2016


  • ross is seen as very flirtatious and generally chill. he's the smooth-talker of the group and he's very confident in his visuals. he thinks he's the cutest when doing aegyo
  • ross is a perfectionist, which leads to him pushing himself beyond his limits and can be very hardworking if he wishes to be.
  • he's described to have a singy-songy voice whenever he speaks; it sounds similar when singing but very different when rapping
  • he's shameless when it comes to girl group dances
  • he has one of the dirtiest minds in the group next to NINJ.4, but is much less secretive about it.
  • if ross were to be into real life groups/musicians, he would be a big fan of fifth harmony
  • while ross wanted to be a full-on rapper, the group lineup called for more vocals, so he was trained to sing more than rap, which he had grown to like as well
  • ross has the most beauty/facial products and takes the most care of his appearance
  • he often kisses each of the members' cheeks on an almost day to day basis
  • while he seems to be shameless, he's at the same time still very alert of his and the group's image and knows his boundaries (even if he hits right on the line 90% of the time)
apr 29 2017 ∞
aug 6 2017 +