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This is PP Entertainment's listography with information regarding all idols under the company. Lists are still being worked on and more information will be added soon.

listography TERMS
  • "Seolhun"
  • name: seolhyun rosenkranz
  • age: 18
  • birthday: May 17, 1998
  • height: 5'11.5
  • position: rapper, lead dancer, maknae
  • ethnicity: 1/2 korean, 1/4 dutch 1/4 german

(when asked to mock him if he was any other form of white, he said it didn't matter)

  • about: seolhun is o3's maknae, rapper, and lead dancer. seolhun has a rather sassy attitude, being rather blunt at times. he can show a sweet side when he wants to, however, and can even become a bit clingy. he's, one way or another, the most intelligent member in the group.
  • backstory: seol was born to a dutch father and korean mother. he lived a bit of a wealthy life since his father ran a business and was a very successful man. however, he was very strict. seol was always forced to study hard in academics to the point of overworking and had many strict rules put on him for most of his childhood. he constantly worked as hard as he could to impress his father and thought maybe that could somehow convince him to be more lenient and less strict on him. his studious habits were how he gained his intelligence. over time, he realized that no matter what he did and how hard he tried, his father wouldn't ever praise him or express any hint of feeling proud of him. he eventually lost a true reason to keep studying so hard and nearly gave up, almost dropping out of school. his little sister, however, (and mother) motivated him to keep going on with it, and that's what he did. that was ALSO when he started to gain an interest in music,finding it as a sort of escape from all the stress. every day, he would flip on the radio whenever he did his homework, and eventually found himself singing and rapping along. when his father wasn't home, he would practice and teach himself how to dance, even joining school clubs for it which helped him improve even more. he found himself getting better and better at dancing and rapping and soon realized there was something more he wanted. he felt himself finally being proud of himself for something he's doing for himself and not for his father. he wanted to really show off his talents to the world and become a star. without his father knowing, seol attempted to audition for multiple entertainment companies, but failed every time. that was enough to make him lose motivation until he was stopped by an agent from PP Ent. as he was walking home. when his father finally found out about him sneaking out for auditions, he was very angry. he refused to let him audition anymore, and that sparked the first and biggest argument between father and son. seol poured out all the anger and frustration he kept inside of him for so long and eventually ran away. his mother constantly tried contacting him to come back home, but he refused to until his father accepted what he wanted, which he knew would be never. right before he was about to audition for PP, he was shocked to find himself running into his father. his father finally allowed him to do what he wanted, much to seol's surprise, and apologized for the years of stress he put on him. they reconciled, and seol was accepted into PP and trained for a surprisingly short time until he was chosen to debut for their first boy group, o3. (seol was very close to tiamo (member of my girl group LNG) during his training period, and later ross. he was torn when he found out of ross' injury and how he couldn't debut with them, but worked extra hard for his sake.)
  • seol: do you have any name suggestions??
  • tiamo: no why?
  • seol: perfect
  • seol: /removes y in seolhyun/
apr 29 2017 ∞
jul 3 2017 +