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Before you follow me:

  • I'm an introverted person and I have social anxiety so I can't guarantee to follow you. Keep that in mind if you're going to talk to me.
  • Please PLEASE don't talk to me or try to befriend me if you are minor. Keep in mind I'm a 29 years adult, it's uncomfortable to me and dangerous for you. (I'm not going to do something bad to anyone but srsly? not every adult is kind.)
  • Please don't follow me if you are homophobic, transphobic, misogynist and basically a fucking asshole.
  • Softblock/unfollow when I'm not talking to the person. Sorry but if I follow someone I like talking to them, if there isn't any interest in both sides I prefer to unfollow.
  • ^Feel free to unfollow me if is the case, I don't care (If weren't friends, If were... of course I care but is still your decision.)
  • I rage a lot about everything, usually in spanish.
  • I have depression but I usually rant in my priv acc so don't worry too much about that.
  • RT and fav a lot.
  • Talks everyday every hour.
  • Talks NOSENSE everyday.
  • I'm a fangirl.
  • If you respect me I respect you.

If you can handle this, congratulations, you can follow me!

jul 18 2017 ∞
jun 1 2018 +