• sillagge - (noun) A rare word, originated from France, sillage is described as a trail or essence left behind, particularly from the lingering smell of perfume in the air.
  • nefelibata - (noun) An untranslatable Portuguese word, nefelibata is a name given to the quixotic dreamers of the world. Their taste in art and literature deviate from the norms society dictate. They appear spacey, otherworldly, but intelligent. Their imagination is their safest haven. Literally: cloud walker.
  • mångata - (noun) An untranslatable word with Swedish origins, mångata is defined as the shimmering and ethereal road-like reflection of the moon on water.
  • apricity - (noun) An obsolete word with a Latin origin, apricity is defined as the warmth from the sun on a winter day.
      • etymology: aprīcitās, a Latin noun from aprīcus, meaning sunny, having lots of sunshine, warmed by the sun.
  • uitwaaien - (verb) An untranslatable Dutch word, uitwaaien is defined as the act of clearing one’s head. Overall, uitwaaien has connotations of putting one’s mind to rest with the act of walking outside and taking in fresh air. literally: to walk with the wind
  • amaranthine - (adjective) 1. A rare and ancient word, amaranthine is defined as an eternal, undying and immortal beauty, particularly that of a flower. 2. a purplish-red color.
  • moledro - (noun) A feeling of resonant connection with an author or artist you’ll never meet, who may have lived centuries ago and thousands of miles away but can still get inside your head and leave behind morsels of their experience, like the little piles of stones left by hikers that mark a hidden path through unfamiliar territory.
  • skúffuskáld - (noun) In Icelandic it means someone who’s secretly a poet. It literally means “drawer poet”, someone who writes poetry but chugs it all into his desk drawer instead of showing it to people.
  • vorfreude - (noun) A German untranslatable word, vorfreude is defined as the intense euphoric sensation you experience from thinking about future plans and daydreams. This beautiful feeling is a natural reaction the human mind manifests from expectations of future pleasures and joyful anticipations, such as planning a trip, going on a date, and many other fulfilling, life-changing events.
  • querencia - (noun) A place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self.
  • toska - (noun) An untranslatable, Russian word – Vladimir Nabokov describes it best: “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody or something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”
  • sprachgefühl - (noun) The character and spirit of a language; an intuitive sense of the rule and rhythm of language
  • fuubutsushi (ふうぶつし) - (noun) An untranslatable Japanese word, fuubutsushi is defined as the positive anticipation of the feelings, scents, and imagery that evoke certain memories of an upcoming seasonal change.
  • blumenpracht - (noun) (f) Splendid array of flowers. The term Blumenpracht comes from the words Blume (“flower”) and Pracht (“splendor” / “glory” / “magnificence”). A Blumenpracht describes a glorious display of flowers - one that has any nature lover turning their heads in awe. A Blumenpracht is more than just a few flowers in a pot; it’s a very serious display of flowers that goes beyond what your average person would have at home. This type of flower display requires lots of attention and care.
  • habseligkeiten - (noun, plural) Voted the most beautiful German word, the concept of Habseligkeiten is stunning yet, difficult to explain. Literally defined as belongings, Habseligkeiten are the small treasures and property, which define our happiness and sentiments. Although these possessions hold a dear place in our heart, they are useless to another person, such as a gold coin a child found during a treasure hunt in the woods. Overall, Habseligkeiten is characterized as beautiful personal belongings, which evolve from personal meanings: compassionate or sad attachments.
  • koi no yokan (恋の予感) - (noun) literally, "Love's premonition", it means meeting someone and knowing early on that the two of you will fall in love.
    • etymology: koi: love, no: possessive particle, yokan: Premonition. Note: a slightly differnent alternative translation of yokan is "presentment.
  • brivet - (verb) To wander an area, or look through items, without specific purpose or to satisfy idle curiosity, especially in a furtive and illicit manner.
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