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Data Science student living in the PNW.
Diligent writer.
Occasional artist.
Relentless adventurer.
Whiskey enthusiast.

  • getting help building my first circuit (okay third, but first in over a year)
  • watching a ton of weird-ass artsy videos on YouTube - "I think he just did a ton of shrooms while solving equations and listening to electronic music"
  • locking eyes from across the hall, greeting each other with the usual smiles, him quietly but confidently asking, "Coming in today?"
  • chillin on the bench with Max "This is our bench." "We are going to write our names on this bench." "One day I'll come back here and buy this bench. It will go in my foyer."
  • having an upperclassmen posse in OOP, mysteriously uniting a bunch of people
  • him coming to sit down next to me after class, talking for like 10 minutes, trying very hard not to swoon
  • studying trig all day
  • chamomile tea and honey before bed
  • my professor secretly showing me a faceswap photo he took where it looked like his dog was driving his car in his suit, absolutely dying of laughter
  • walking to Burgerville with Max, getting a free mint Oreo shake because the workers made an extra
  • going into lab on Monday, needing a terrifying amount of help
  • OOP being canceled, going to Burgerville again instead
  • giving art to S for his birthday, "This is so cool! You are hella talented!"
  • sleepy midterms and sadness, consolation chocolate chip cookies
  • him looking into my eyes and saying "some of you sent me emails expressing concern... I appreciate that."
  • "so what questions can we ask to separate these categories and get our answers?" A student shouting, "is it edible?" My professor and I making eye contact, giggling like mad children, and him saying it - "that depends on if we consider dogs to be edible in this universe."
  • bringing in chocolate chip & peanut butter cookies for Dr. M, "I don't normally like peanut butter cookies... but I love these." "They'll soften up overnight, if you leave some." "That's probably not gonna happen."
  • "Every time I answer a question, I eat a cookie. This is a good system."
  • building my most complex circuit yet, with an AND, an OR, and a XOR gate
  • being completely eerily alone for the first time ever, the tension hanging heavy in the air, "Do cat drawings get extra credit?" "No, but they get noticed." "That's good enough for me."
  • having an incredibly tension-filled, starry-eyed staring contest sort of day
  • DANGER, DANGER, HIGH VOLTAGE! being the theme forever
  • "what's someone's favorite number?" "24." Him using this as an example for the entire class
  • writing a 1am email with crazy ideas and shoddy graph paper diagrams in response to him
  • doughnuts and coffee for breakfast!
  • walking around campus with Max, going into the strange stone garden
  • "Your major is just a city of men for you, ain't it." "Basically, but most of them wear fedoras."
  • finding out that Max took a picture of me hugging a giant pine tree without my knowledge
  • walking from campus into downtown with Max
  • sitting in the grass with movie theater popcorn, then walking around the library together
  • sitting on the roof of the library, discussing our future plans and physics and space and life
  • wandering around aimlessly for over an hour because we refused to check for directions
  • finally finding the cafe, buying him a beer, buying myself Buffalo Trace, sipping it while eyeing him, opening up way more than I intended about my weird situation
  • my favorite professor reassuring me I can email him with any questions about any class
  • living in the tutoring center, taking over an entire wall of whiteboard to practice KCL
  • going into a library study room to close the door, hide under the counter, and gossip
  • so suddenly finding out he might be called away shortly, sitting on the patio in the dark, 55 degrees, with Gazpacho in my headphones & Kirkland Scotch in my glass
  • Skype again, trying not to appear as stressed as I am
  • helping other students learn to program because apparently I'm good at it?
  • basically living in the tutoring center
  • "I have a confession to make. I like it when people send me pictures of their food. So if you want to... I'm cool with that." "I would never want to send an unsolicited dish pic" "that's so good" "i'm smiling a bunch" "or are you smiling a brunch"
may 1 2016 ∞
jul 25 2016 +