getting started

  • how do i make a qq acc?

@cnenstars_news has a guide in their bio!

  • what are the beginner tasks?

click here!

  • why didn't you reply my question?

mod...really doesn't check this account much...i'm so sorry


  • (anything about buying dia)

mod is f2p so i really wouldn't know - again, check @cnenstars_news's guide!

  • (anything about bluestacks)

i wouldn't know either, i play only on my phone ^^;; @cnenstars_news has a guide to how to download cn onto bluestacks, though. it's a really cool guide honestly, give it a read!

  • do you know anything about (upcoming feature)?

mod doesn't check the weibo or official site and has a tendency to skip reading updates, so likely no...but still, you're free to ask on the off-chance i have!

  • the map suddenly went black and jin's staring at me!

your game isn't broken, don't worry! i'm not quite sure why it happens yet, but it's happened to a few people (including me), so just exit and enter your game again and it should be fine.

  • i can't access the game even though my wifi is fine?

could be maintenance! check in after a few hours, we'll probably get some cool compensation gifts too.


  • (updates on tw enstars)?

i don't play tw, apologies! OTL

  • will downloading cn mess with my jp account?

nah! go ahead and enter a deeper circle of hell!

  • how behind are cn and tw?

well, this is how it is:

    • jp: cheval live
    • cn: sweet halloween
    • tw: just finished baton pass

basically cn is behind by a little less than a year, and tw is behind about a year and a half?

  • wait a second! i got cnstars from qooapp and that's not the gap you say it is!

qooapp might have tw instead of cnstars. here's the website for cnstars, and tw ver!

may 29 2017 ∞
aug 20 2018 +