• Buying a $300 video card. Even though Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens was more expensive I feel guilty about the video card and I don't feel guilty about Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens. I think part of it is that the majority of the people that I interact with online won't be able to afford an occulus rift, but they probably won't be able to afford going to Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg either. We have no obligation to live like paupers, but it sure does seem like universal basic income is closer to a solution than this bootstraps-bullshit.
  • Using "homeless people" as a pejorative when I was younger than 16 and we were serving homeless folks at the church.
  • Telling Jamie that I didn't like her (I thought about this on the car ride home today) after I watched her insult a friend of mine who happens to be a total douchebag.
nov 5 2015 ∞
nov 5 2015 +