• Rolling Stone reporter - because i'd get to write rock music articles, go touring and get tons of cds and free show invitations.
  • Barwoman - to be flirty and give out drinks to those i like the most.
  • IT Girl - so i can dress in a heute-couture meets topshop kinda way and party with the "pretty ones"
  • Librarian - to be surronded by books and play my very own "treasure hunt" with those that are hard to get.
  • Movie Titles Translator - so i can give the movies i dislike unappealing names and trick boys into watching chick flicks by giving them titles that will suggest they are about naked women, guns, and high speed cars.
  • Hostel Owner - so i can be everyone's favourite host.
  • Dolphin Trainer - because dolphins are cute, smarter than most, have the smoothest skin and have sex for reasons other than reproduction.
  • Make-up Artist - to make someone feel prettier ♥
mar 8 2009 ∞
jul 28 2009 +