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I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend

- Faramir, The Two Towers

  • my swell knock-off water bottle (although when I'm flying, i just make sure it's empty until i'm past security and TSA)
  • baby wipes - bc you never know
  • advil/tylenol - bc you always never know
  • my personal sized filofax - this guy just helps me out bc for some reason i reach for this when needing to make note of appointments or reminders
  • wallet(s) - my domestic wallet holding my canadian money and cards, and then my international wallet, holding the currency/documents for whatever country i happen to be going to.
  • ereader - i love this guy of course i'm not going anywhere without him
  • phone - always
  • my foldable flats - i bought them off of wish and i'm pleasantly surprised by how well they're holding up!! i just change into these if the shoes i'm wearing currently are uncomfortable, and it's great because the flats have their own little bag and just fold right back up!
  • loqi tote bag - usually for when i'm grocery shopping or shopping in general and i realize i have quite a bit to hold. it's wonderful because it folds up so nicely, but once i've unfolded it, it's rather large. i'm thinking of buying another one sometime soon really haha.
  • earbuds - for my podcasts or music listening.
  • aldo brown clutch - i suppose this also works as another wallet?? i keep our important documents in there, as well as me and my husband's passports.
oct 2 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +