/any potential plots are welcomed. if you have any plots you'd like to do together, feel free to mention me or dm!/

  • cooking/baking together :: since taehyung is interested in cooking and baking, they would have days where they cook/bake possible meals for dinner at home, picnics at the park, etcetera.
  • photoshoot :: since taehyung is a full-time photographer, he could invite s/he out to a (impromtu) photoshoot.
  • game night :: taehyung is quite the gamer. from playing pc games to mobile ones, not to mention spending most of his money on games for gaming consoles.
  • food adventures :: being a self-proclaimed foodie, food adventures weekly are a must for taehyung. new "it" spot dates and hang outs.
  • cafe visits :: being at home all day long stresses taehyung out so he goes to cafes frequently to edit his latest photos while drinking a nice cup of coffee, lattes, etcetera.
oct 23 2017 ∞
oct 24 2017 +