• dreamwidth
  • tumblr (runs on a queue, so it's hard to get a hold of me there usually.)
  • ao3
  • twitter
  • ravelry
  • twitch (I'm hoping to stream more & make a youtube account, so if you sub my twitch you should be able to see when I'm streaming in real time. I usually stream Xbox right now but I'm working on getting computer stuff together!)
  • goodreads (I hardly ever use this & my name's wrong since I just got married, d'oh)
  • etsy (will link when my store's up!)

if you friend me on any of these, say hello & I'll friend you back!! let me know who you are too, I remember a lot of things but sometimes I don't put together usernameA on tumblr being usernameB on dw!

game stuff I have a...

  • battlenet
  • uplay
  • steam
  • xbox live
  • psn
  • 3ds/nintendo
  • .account! and you can ask me for them! I'm not posting them here because I like to know who I'm friending back but I'm definitely not shy about giving them away, lmfao! if we have games that we share I'll definitely play with you!! I love playing with friends!

pet sites (yes, really.)

used to be active on goatlings, kaylune & neopets too; the first two were under "madeofstars", the last under ...a really embarrassing name and one that hasn't been used so, never mind you that.

I'm not actually very attached to the three I'm playing now, so if you're into pet sites and you have a cool one lmk, I don't actually know how to find them anymore so I just kind of sign up on anything that comes across my dash & see how I feel after a week haha

jan 4 2017 ∞
jan 4 2017 +