Don't watch at all if you:

Post hate towards BTD/TDDUP [I'm very defensive of my coping interests oof]

Support Pedophilia (in anyway, fiction/real)

You're a nazi/racist/LGBTphobic/sexist (you fucking suck loser lol)

You think fiction > reality (I.E attacking innocent people for being in a fandom, attacking innocent content creators)

You kin Chris King (TDDUP), Natsuki (DDLC) Julian Devorak (Arcana)

You're gonna judge me for dumb shit (like, fuck you bihh)

Ask to watch if you:

Are Kin with Cain Zeitgeist / 2-D / Kindred (my S/O)

Same for Ren Hana (I know a guy)

and you kin ANYONE from DDLC

You post a lot of Killing Stalking

You post a lot of Rick and Morty

(none of these apply if I watched you first)

oct 23 2017 ∞
nov 20 2017 +