• angelina
  • birthday: 11.02 (scorpio)
  • mbti - enfp
    • "the challenge for isfjs is ensuring that what they do is noticed. they have a tendency to underplay their accomplishments, and while their kindness is often respected, more cynical and selfish people are likely to take advantage of isfjs' dedication and humbleness by pushing work onto them and then taking the credit. isfjs need to know when to say no and stand up for themselves if they are to maintain their confidence and enthusiasm." cr.
    • "isfjs need positive feedback from others. in the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the isfj gets discouraged, and may even become depressed. when down on themselves or under great stress, the isfj begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life. they have strong feelings of inadequacy, and become convinced that "everything is all wrong", or "i can't do anything right"." cr.
  • socionics - sei-isfp
    • "many SEIs are shy, sensitive, and reserved. they may develop a mild, friendly, and soft-spoken demeanor, as they can frequently be overly concerned that they have offended others with their actions. they can be inclined to a somewhat avoidant, withdrawn, and socially reserved lifestyle. rather than forge strong emotional connections with others, some SEIs may be inclined to interact spontaneously (and often reservedly) with others according to the immediate emotional ambience of a situation. - cr.
    • "usually has many acquaintances, but fully relaxes and enjoys herself only in a circle of close friends. tries not to go where he is not wanted. with unfamiliar people she is somewhat cautious and reserved. does not like people who are cold and arrogant, with whom she cannot create an atmosphere of intimacy and informality. becomes anxious when she is dealing with someone who is unpleasant to her; in such cases her speech at times becomes hurried and indistinct. not prone to insubordination; avoids her superiors and boring strictly business conversations. If she is feeling sick or is in a bad mood, she retreats not wanting to burden others with her problems. - cr.
  • sanguine
    • "they are talkative, and speak in a friendly, energetic, playful kind of way; they're often charismatic, and when interacting with them, you can feel like you've known them all your life." cr.
  • artisan
    • "their creativity is also applied to their own style and personality, as their individuality is vital to them. they are constantly reinventing themselves in an attempt to stand out from the crowd, to be different or special. whether or not they achieve fame and fortune, they bring beauty, style and originality into the world – and also useful inventions." cr.
jul 11 2015 ∞
jan 13 2016 +