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Quotes from movies

  • You can be anywhere when your life begins, when the future opens up in front of you. and you may not even realize it at first, but its already happening. -Crazy/Beautiful (2001)
  • Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it. -Never Been Kissed (1999)
  • You plan everything out but one day you make a wrong turn or take a detour, and you end up in some crazy place you can never find on the map, doing something you never thought you'd do. Maybe you feel a little lost while it's happening. But, later, you realize it was the best part of the whole trip. -Threesome (1994)
  • We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them. -The Virgin Suicides (1999)
  • That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time. -Never Been Kissed (1999)
  • It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. -Fight Club (1999)

Quotes from books

  • ""I don't think I've ever been happy," said in a far-off voice, one that sounded old and nostalgic for a moment that hadn't yet passed; nostalgic for today, even as I lived it. It was strangled and tight, and not coming from anywhere inside my head. A voice from far away, maybe here and now, reaching back and telling me it wasn't real, the years we had, the times we had, the feeling of belonging, none of it was real. Soon, very soon, it would be ripped away. Soon, too soon, I was going to be tumbling and falling with you, and we both would feel the pain of seperation, of being taken away from everything that we worked so hard to build."
  • "I dreamed of those little faces that would fit in the palms of our hands...quick breaths, in and out...
A kiss, awkward and unsure.
Flushed with emotion
Trace each rib. Count each hair."-Party Monster by James St. James
  • I drank the beer straight down and we set off on the dance floor again. He was a brilliant dancer, we were spinning around all over the place. I was drunk on dancing by this time. I didn't care about anything."
  • "Did you ever see someone and think straightaway, I want to be that person? I want to look like her and think like her and have the same effect as she know? This girl-nothing mattered to her. All the rules, all the things you do do and don't do, the manners, everything-she had none of that. If she didn't like it she just didn't do it. If she did it, it was good. She didn't have to say please or thank-you. She didn't have to be offered anything; it was already hers. She was more herself than anyone else ever was and as soon as I clapped eyes on her I knew I wanted to be myself just as much as she was herself."
  • "Sometimes maybe you need an experience. The experience can be a person or it can be a drug. The experience opens a door that was there all the time but you never saw it. Or maybe it blasts you into outer space. .... All that negative stuff. All the pain... It just floated away from me, I just floated away from it...up and away..."
  • "I've done everything. All of it. You think it, I've done it. All the things you never dared, all the things you dream about, all the things you were curious about and then forgot because you knew you never would. I did 'em, I did 'em yesturday while you were still in bed. What about you? When's it gonna be your turn?"
  • "At least she's in control of her own life. But I feel bad about those kids. They deserve some sort of life. Me, I've made me own choices and I'm happy with it. Yeah. Yes, I am. I'm in control of my life and I love it, and I love myself and I love Tar and I love my friends. The thing is, I know my limits. I'm sensible about it. Lily says I do everything sensibly even when I go over the top. Too right. I take care of myself."
  • ""I don't have to go running off to Asia to keep myself interesting, Richard," I told him. "I hope you find it just as interesting being dead as you have being alive," he told me. That's the trouble with most people. They want to live forever. When you turn round to them and tell them that you're just living your life and if that means you'll be dead in three years, that's okay by you, they hate that. There's no answer to that. If you don't mind not reaching twenty there's no argument against heroin, is there?"
  • "I liked being in love. It's like giving part of yourself away-Love is forever! Yeah, well, I don't believe that anymore. It starts and then it stops. Being an that lasts forever. Like they said in the detox centre, once an addict, always an addict. You don't dare to take the stuff again no matter how safe you feel. Which is a pity really, because heroin is instant love. To love another person you have to feel safe, you have to be ready for it; it's not easy."-Smack by Melvin Burgess
  • "The chelloveck sitting next to me, there being this long big plushy seat that ran round three walls, was well away with his glazzies glazed and sort of burbling slovos like 'Aristotle wishy wshy works outing cyclamen get forficulate smartish'. He was in the land all right, well away, in orbit, and I knew what it was like, having tried it like everybody else had done, but at this time I'd got to thinking it was a cowardly sort of a veshch, O my brothers. You'd lay there after you'd drunk the old moloko and then you got the messel that everything all round you was sort of in the past. You could viddy it all right, all of it, very clear - tables, the stereo, the lights, the sharps and the malchicks - but it was like some veshch that used to be there but was not there not no more. And you were sort of hypnotized by your boot or shoe or a finger-nail as it might be, and at the same time you were sort of picked up by the old scruff and shook like it might be a cat. You got shook and shoot till there was nothing left. You lost your name and your body and your self and you just didn't care and you waited till your boot or your finger-nail got yellow, then yellower and yellower all the time. Then the lights started cracking like atomics and the boot or finger-nail or, as it might be, a bit of dirt on your trouser-bottom turned into a big big big mesto, bigger than the whole world, and you were just going to get introduced to old Bog or God when it was all over. You came back to here and now whimpering sort of, with your rot all squaring up for a boohoohoo. Now, that's very nice but very cowardly. You were not put on this earth just to get in touch with God. That sort of thing could sap all the strenght and the goodness out of a chelloveck."-A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Quotes from famous people

  • “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” -Lewis Carroll
  • "I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude." -Henry David Thoreau
  • "If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer." -Clement Freud
  • "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Henry David Thoreau
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