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Backstreet Boys fangirl and EXO-L ♡

Virei a última página que estava escrita sobre você. Eu não tenho coragem de ler, vou apenas apagar as palavras tristes. Mas nossa história não acabou porque iremos nos encontrar novamente" - EXO, Peter Pan.

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Sehun's letter to the hyungs for Kiss The Radio

A letter from maknae Oh Sehun to his EXO hyungs:

Firstly, I’ll start with Suho hyung because he’s the leader… Although if we do this according to age it should be Minseok- no, Xiumin hyung haha. Okay anyways, I’ll really start now. Suho hyung!! When I first met you, I would’ve been in 8th grade. That day, I don’t know whether it was because you got a new haircut but you were full of confidence and you looked at your own reflection in the mirror and walked in really confidently didn’t you?? In that moment when I saw you, I fell for you. I thought, “Wow, SM is a place like this. A place where there are only hot and cool hyungs like the one I just saw” [referring to Suho]. Oh and, I said hello and bowed to you but you said with a straight face, “What kind of a greeting is this? Do the greeting again, properly.” Back then I was in 8th grade… It was my first day at SM…. Me, a boy who knew nothing. A genuinely innocent and clueless boy… I was so hurt. I was so scared and because of you hyung, I wasn’t going to come back to SM….

ㅋㅋ Just kidding. It’s been almost 5 years since I’ve known you and it is such an honour, I am so thankful. Because of the fact that I was able to get to know someone like hyung and because you are always here by my side, I am so so thankful… I love you. I wish that the thing I call “us” [their relationship] will never change and remain the same forever. I know it’s hard to take care and look after all the members, but hyung, you do it so well and you are fully capable of it. We will all help you along too, leader hyung, hwaiting!!!

Next is Xiumin hyung. Argh, even though I keep trying to say it, it’s so awkward! [Calling him Xiumin]. For the purpose of this letter, I’ll just call you Minseok hyung. Minseokie hyung~ I used to always ride the subway home with you from Chungdam station and it feels like that was only yesterday… Time goes by so fast. Hyung, you always showed me so much affection and I used to always listen to you and I was such a good, obedient dongsaeng… Or maybe I wasn’t so obedient…But there was at least some moments when I listened to you really well… So let’s keep it like this. Let’s keep our relationship exactly like this and continue as we are. I love you ㅎㅎ

Um… I only wrote to two hyungs… and I think the letter is too long… from now on I will write a bit shorter…

Lu ge! I am so thankful because you always tolerate all my jokes and pranks and because you’re such a kind-hearted hyung. Do you remember what we talked about recently?? Please try to believe what I say!! Wo ai ni [T/N: They must’ve had a deep and meaningful conversation about life and friendship and their careers and god knows what oh my god;;;; but when Sehun said “please try to believe what I say!” it kinda seems like Luhan must’ve been doubting himself/his talent…and Sehun must’ve tried to comfort him omfg;;;]

Kris hyung, you always buy me delicious food and when I say I want something, you always try to give it to me…I’m so thankful from the bottom of my heart, that you love and treat me as if I’m a really precious dongsaeng. I will try my best to treat you better too, wo ai ni ㅎㅎ

And to the very cute Lay hyung ㅎㅎ I always trust you hyung, so I hope you’ll always think rationally and make good decisions. Also recently, I’ve been able to talk to you a lot more and I think that you’re actually a really fragile and soft-hearted hyung. When you’re sad [suffering, tired or in need of support], make sure you always come and find me ㅎㅎ wo ai ni

The one who says our blood type is the purest, blood type O, Baekhyun hyung [Sehun is also blood type O]. I love you and I am so thankful because you were able to become close to us and make us all feel comfortable with you in such a short period of time [T/N: “us” is referring to himself and all the exo members except chen, because baekhyun and chen entered the group later than the rest]. Baekhyun hyung, you have so much loyalty and affection [for the members] and even though you don’t show it, I know that inside, you’re a hyung that really does think about and care for the members and for that I am so proud to know you!

The one who is best friends with Baekhyunnie hyung, Chanyeol hyung! I think you’re right about being the happy virus…these days you even go as far as to physically injure yourself to make the members laugh- you’re so kind and I’m so thankful. I wish that you will never ever lose your happy atmosphere/appearance, I love you~

And to the funky funky Chen Chen hyung, I’m always very thankful to have you. When the dongsaengs joke around, you always tolerate us and when someone is hurt or something happens, you worry about us so much. You’re really jjang [the best], and also you always take care of the exo members and even act as support to our Suho hyung. It would be really tedious for Suho hyung to take care of 11 members and having to take care of his own health on top of that will be really tiring…so please continue to help Suho hyung out a lot ㅎㅎ

And to our 됴됴됴 (dyo dyo dyo) D.O hyung, [T/N: dyo dyo dyo is like a cute aegyo nickname for Kyungsoo lmao], I think that you should also join Chen hyung in helping out Suho hyung~ I’m so grateful that you always take care of me, even though you probably can’t be bothered [and consider it a chore]. Especially when you help me replace my phone screen cover!!! [T/N: lol Sehun wtf]

And now for!! Tao hyung… It’s funny right? It’s really uncomfortable for me too but since this is for a broadcast, I will talk formally ㅋㅋㅋ You’re like a real friend to me Tao. Whenever you are feeling down or happy or anytime you are feeling anything, you always come to me and try to share those feelings with me, I feel like you really do trust and depend on me and at times like those, I feel so thankful to have you and I’m working on being an even more reliable and dependable person for you. Like I said last time, whenever anything happens, make sure you tell me. We can’t have any secrets. Wo ai ni, Tao.

And lastly, to our Kim Kai-ssi: We always talk secretly behind the hyungs’ backs and these talks that we have mean a lot to me, but the one thing that I know for sure is that you really do love our team [exo ot12], although you don’t/can’t say it out loud and you can’t really express yourself… I know because I’m a genius ㅋㅋㅋ Also, remember when we talked really seriously about our lives 3 years into the future?? Until then, let’s not change and go forward together, for a long long time!!

Thank you so much to each and every one of my hyungs, I love you all. I’m really embarrassed right now too… [because of how cheesy the letter is] but I’ve put my heart and honesty into writing this letter so I hope that my words will be nicely passed onto you guys. We are one. Let’s love ♡"

Fonte: Livejournal

dec 19 2015 ∞
dec 19 2015 +