★ ★ ★

this list is (mostly) assuming you are a mututal already with me somehow/elsewhere, but have yet to follow me on twitter; this list also applies more or less to any/all of my twitters but mostly my priv and public twitter

★ ★ ★

<interests / dislikes>

★ ★ ★

★ i occasionally post negative tweet here and there; nothing too heavy or frequent though

★ i'm very retweet heavy for my particular fandoms/ships (currently, as of writing this: elsword/fire emblem/persona/touken ranbu)

★ please keep away or do not interact with me about my dislikes on my list (gore, blood, body horror etc)

★ otherwise feel free to interact?

★ i'm a shy though, so... i probably won't v often

direct message/dm/pms are open; non mututals included

★ i scream about my significant other @psybitto at times, so if that makes you uncomfortable BYE LMAO BC I LOVE ME DORK CANT STOP WONT STOP

★ giggidity that's probably it 4 now??? but yeah i i'm quite retweet heavy you've been warned

i don't do follow backs; but i don't expect you to either and i generally like a small feed so... don't take it personally if i don't follow you back, bless

oct 12 2017 ∞
may 30 2018 +