• I am 100000% Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

The ONLY difference between us is that I'm a 15 year old girl and he's a guy who's about 35 so uh- anyways, if you kin with him, you're valid, however!! I'm SUPER uncomfortable with doubles since he's,, literally me,, so please don't follow me if you kin with him!

  • I'm also 100% Kanan Matsuura from Love Live! She was also my first kinfirm! Seeing as she's 100% me and I'm 100% her, I don't want doubles for her either! You are valid, but she's me and I'm her so please, don't interact if you kin with her-

^ the ONLY exception is if we have mutuals and I genuinely want to be friends with you-

jan 23 2018 ∞
jan 23 2018 +