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either strange things i enjoy eating (A.) or the weird &/or specific ways i eat normal stuff(B) . . . (you know that scene in when harry meet sally where meg ryan orders her food and is a pain in the ass? i admit it, *sometimes* that is me)

  • A.
  • pumpernickel bread
  • aunt nellie's whole pickeled beets. must be eaten out of the jar, over the sink
  • oshinko. it's a pickled japanese root of some sort. it's bright yellow and crunchy and fabulous!
  • raw broccoli hearts - the white centers of the stalks
  • i love brussel sprouts!
  • and boiled cabbage
  • and boiled potatoes (god, i'm irish!)
  • baby corn on the cob
  • hearts of palm
  • white bread with mayo. but only once every like 10 years since it's so incredibly bad for you!
  • B.
  • i always heat up my applesauce
  • love hard boiled eggs. but refuse to eat the yolks
  • when i fly i always have bloody mary mix with my pretzels. always.
  • my pb&j must be lightly toasted. lightly.
  • i will only allow steveo to make my bloody mary's & patrick to make vodka collins when out drinking.
  • the one thing i get at dairy queen: small cup, chocolate soft serve, sliced bananas, covered in the hard chocolate coating. they always find the very confusing.
  • my sweet potatoes must be CANDIED. this means not only marshmellows on top but the addition of excess brown sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and either pinapple chunks or tangerine segments stirred in.
  • i refuse to eat raw tomatoes of any variety. ever.
  • mashed potatoes mixed with creamed corn. this was my fathers creation.
  • golden grahams with vanilla custard style yogurt instead of milk
  • i generally wipe the frosting off my cake/cupcakes. generic frosting is too sweet and overwhelms the cake
  • there are only 2 instances in which i will consume pepper - 1. cracked pepper turkey from the deli 2. on cottage cheese. other wise keep it the hell away from me!
  • i love half cooked pasta. i swear, i eat half the pot while it's still on the stove cooking.
sep 12 2007 ∞
sep 28 2007 +