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  • when everyone starts singing along during a concert or at a bar
  • when everyones leaving the theatre in a daze after a movie with a really great ending
  • the drive back from the beach when everyone's salty, sleepy and sunkissed
  • when the power goes out. something about a power outtage in the summer just brings everyone outside and together.
  • whenever something is really funny and i really can't stop laughing
  • having a hand to hold
  • moments of artistic inspiration & discovery
  • dancing around the house in my underwear
  • when i see something that speaks to me so much that it gives me the chils. and sometimes it's something i can't even articulate
  • the absolute rush i got when doing our step about when i was still dancing
  • waking up from an intense, romantic dream and that moment where it almost feels as if it really did happen - you can almost still feel it
oct 12 2007 ∞
mar 9 2008 +